Sunday, November 29, 2009


Including gadgets in any technology activity is like adding spices to food. They are fun and students become excited by their creative additions to an otherwise ordinary project. This slide show dramatizes how simple slides on a microscope can become works of art.

RSS feeds

This is a tremendous help for receiving up-to-the-minute information on current issues. It provides an instantaneous glance at issues affecting our community, country and the world. Students will be able to utilize this feed for their current event assignments as well as become informed if there are any new developments in the world of science. Over the last few weeks, there have been articles discussing new species emerging from the Galapagos Islands. In addition, I was reminded when the meteor shower was going to hit. The feeds I subscribe to are:
7 feeds
2RSS :: Last Added Channels (10) (0)
Bloglines News (10) (0)
KPCC: Science News (97) (0)
KPCC: The Loh Down On Science (0) (0)
National Geographic News: Animals & Nature (10) (0)
The Orange County Register - News Headlines : Science (83) (0)
Scientific American (10)

Image Generator - Pop Art

This is a wonderful tool for any art application. I took a simple picture of my daughter and her boyfriend and turned it into Popart. In addition, there is a shuffle feature that allows you to see different versions of the picture. This is part of the BigHugeLab website.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Web 2.o Award Winner This was a very funny activity. I was able to put Queen Latifah's face into my picture. There are hundreds of options as far as celebrity choices. Another option is to put your face into one of the celebrity's hairdo's. Try it, it's fun